Precision-fitted mouthguards for optimum comfort and protection
Sporting accidents usually strike without warning. A mouthguard is a simple way to protect teeth from unexpected knocks and bumps and is essential for adults and children. Our custom made mouthguards are fitted and manufactured by an experienced dental professional. They are designed to fit comfortably and are the only protection against life changing injury to teeth or jaws.
While there are thousands of mouthguards made each year in Australia, only a small number of these are made by dental professionals. This trend is changing, due to the reported injuries to teeth and jaws of sportspeople who still wear the inadequate ‘stock’ or ‘boil and bite’ mouthguards purchased from stores.
Only a ‘custom fit’ mouthguard offers the best comfort and protection against injury. It is fitted and manufactured by a knowledgeable and experienced dental professional, so it won’t move around in the mouth. All of our TUFF Mouthguards are made in our onsite laboratory in Penrith. They offer the following advantages over other mouthguard types:
- Greater protection
- Greater comfort
- Clear speech
- Easier breathing
- Choice of three durability types
- Choice of colours and designs
Our laminating process incorporates layers of impact absorbing material into the mouthguards, reducing the risk of:
- Jaw fracture and dislocation
- Tooth loss and chipping
- Concussion
- Gagging
If a custom fit mouthguard sounds like the solution for you, take a look at our detailed images and find out how to take the next step towards protecting your teeth against accidental damage.